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오늘의 영어 단어

by 최고영회 2014. 1. 6.
1.quarter : 1/4 (4분의 1)

 - A woman cut a cake into quarters

2.store : 가게,상점

 - I have many things to buy in a store

3.full : 가득한

 - A bowl is full of water to be overflowing

4.seperate : 가르다

 - Two people are seperated from each other after a dispute

5.value : 가치

 - Expensive jewelleries have value

6.simple : 간단한

 - She changes into simple clothes on weekends

7.sense : 감각

 - Human have senses to feel, see and smell.

8.appreciate : 감상하다,감사하다

 - Students are appreciating pieces of art in a museum

9.price : 값

 - A bottle has a higher price than a paper pack

10.lecture : 강의

 - Students ar paying attention to the lecture

11.equal : 같은

 - 'A equal A' means they are the same.

12.clinic : 개인병원

 - A new clinic opened in the city

13.huge : 거대한

 - Two childrens are suprised by a hug whale

14.anxious : 걱정되는

 - A dad is anxious about his daughter at midnight

15.hang : 걸다

 - A boy always hang his hat on the hanger

16.encourage : 격려하다

 - The coach encouraged the loser in the game

17.casual : 격식없는, 우발적인

 - A man apprears in casual clothes for a formal meeting

18.fault : 결점

 - Everyone has a fault, however small

19.disadvantage : 결점, 핸디캡

 - She does not want to marry a guy with disadvantages

20.decide : 결정하다

 - A boy decided to buy a wavy T-shirt
