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오늘의 영어 단어

by 최고영회 2014. 1. 7.

2014/01/06 - [영어] - 오늘의 영어 단어

21. warn : 경고하다.

 - The police warned to drive carefully at night

22. case : 경우

 - The woman considers all cases before the plastic surgery

23. contest : 경쟁

 - Athletes try hard to win a contest

24. economy : 경제

 - If economy grows, market price will settle down

25. view : 경치

 - This room has an excellent view for a beautiful sunset

26. client : 고객

 - Friendly staff is greeting the client

27. ancient : 고대의

 - The Parthenon is the most famous building in ancient Greece

28. consider : 고려하다.

 - He consider about which university to apply to

29. community : 공동체

 - Social community helps people to get together

30. formal : 공식적인

 - Many people attended the formal event

31. coffin : 관

 - A coffin is a box for laying a corpse in

32. generous : 관대한

 - A clerk gave me generous amount of ice cream

33. education : 교육

 - School education is important in social life

34. instruction : 설명

 - User may understand better with detailed instructions

35. principal : 교장, 시장

 - The principal is giving his students good advice

36. structure : 구조

 - A house has a simple structure of three rooms

37 : international : 국제적인

 - Anyone can travel overseas with an international airline

38. crowd : 군중

 - All the corwds are focusing on the speech

39. balance : 균형

 - Two people are balanced seesaw

40. haste : 급함

 - A man is running up in haste
