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오늘의 영어 단어

by 최고영회 2014. 2. 3.

2014/01/22 - [영어] - 오늘의 영어 단어

81. design : 디자인

 - A man is trying to draw a T-shirt with floral designs

82. ground : 땅

 - Many things can be planted on the ground

83. float : 뜨다

 - Buoyant objects can easily float 

84. drink : 마시다

 - A man is drinking water

85. mention : 말하다, 언급하다

 - A witness mentioned what he saw last night

86. taste : 맛

 - People can experience various tastes with their tongue

87. delicious : 맛있는

 - Korean food is very delicious

88. order : 주문, 순서, 명령하다, 주문하다

 - The waiter is taking an order from customers

89. collect : 모으다

 - My hobby is collecting stamps from different 

90. gather : 모으다, 모이다

 - A man has gathered all record albums of his favorite singer

91 : model : (패션)모델, 모형

 - A model is posing in the fashion show

92. purpose : 목적

 - The man's purpose of exercising is to build arm muscles

93. aim : 계획, 목적

 - His aim is to become a bodybuilder

94. heavy : 무거운

 - A man is carrying a heavy load on his back

95. literature : 문학

 - Old literature is written by hand

96. stuff : 물건

 - The boy is curious about the stuff on the ground

97. receive : 받다

 - A man received a letter from a postman

98. discover : 발견하다

 - An explorer discovered something valuable under the ground

99. direction : 방향

 - A pointer moves to all directions by using the keyboard

100. cast : 던지다

 - A fisherman casts off the rod into the river

101. earn : 벌다

 - A worker earns money from the company

102. look : ~을 보다

 - They are looking at different things at the same time

103. ordinary : 보통의

 - A boy wears an ordinary outfit compared to his friends' clothing

104. protect : 보호하다

 - A father is protecting his children from a fierce lion

105. review : 복습하다

 - A good student reviews after the class

106. native : 본국의

 - They belong to their own native countries

107. part : 부분

 - One big cake can be divided into several small parts

108. minute : 분

 - One hour equals sixty minutes

109. pity : 불쌍히 여김

 - The boy felt pity for the dead dog

110. complain : 불평하다

 - A child complains about his meatless lunch

111. capture : 붙잡다

 - A brave lady captured a criminal by herself

112. unusual : 드문

 - It is unusual to see a shooting star

113. compare : 비교하다

 - They are comparing their heights to see who is taller

114. flight : 비행

 - Superman can make a flight in the sky 

115. event : 사건

 - People made a surprise party for her birthday event

116. tip : 봉사료

 - A man is giving a tip for delivering his baggages

117. desert : 사막

 - Camels are useful to travel around the desert

118. society : 사회

 - A group of people forms one society

119. boss : 상사

 - All companies have boss to manage workers

120. suppose : 상상하다 

 - A person suppose that the poodle is female
