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영어 단어4

오늘의 영어 단어 2014/01/22 - [영어] - 오늘의 영어 단어 81. design : 디자인 - A man is trying to draw a T-shirt with floral designs82. ground : 땅 - Many things can be planted on the ground83. float : 뜨다 - Buoyant objects can easily float 84. drink : 마시다 - A man is drinking water85. mention : 말하다, 언급하다 - A witness mentioned what he saw last night86. taste : 맛 - People can experience various tastes with their tongue87. delici.. 2014. 2. 3.
오늘의 영어 단어 2014/01/07 - [영어] - 오늘의 영어 단어 41. expect : 기대하다. - A man expects the gift to be a good one42. note : 기록 - A boy always takes a notes during a lesson43. article : 기사 - A boy read an important article in a newspaper44. chance : 기회 - A boy got a chance to have a seat in the library45. summit : 꼭대기 - People try to reach the summit of the mountain46. attract : 끌다. (끌어당기다.) - She attracts me as though.. 2014. 1. 22.
오늘의 영어 단어 2014/01/06 - [영어] - 오늘의 영어 단어 21. warn : 경고하다. - The police warned to drive carefully at night22. case : 경우 - The woman considers all cases before the plastic surgery23. contest : 경쟁 - Athletes try hard to win a contest24. economy : 경제 - If economy grows, market price will settle down25. view : 경치 - This room has an excellent view for a beautiful sunset26. client : 고객 - Friendly staff is greetin.. 2014. 1. 7.
오늘의 영어 단어 1.quarter : 1/4 (4분의 1) - A woman cut a cake into quarters 2.store : 가게,상점 - I have many things to buy in a store 3.full : 가득한 - A bowl is full of water to be overflowing 4.seperate : 가르다 - Two people are seperated from each other after a dispute 5.value : 가치 - Expensive jewelleries have value 6.simple : 간단한 - She changes into simple clothes on weekends 7.sense : 감각 - Human have senses to feel, .. 2014. 1. 6.